Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Sweet coffee style Zooper Theme

Requirements: Android 4+ , Zooper widget Pro


Perfect To Start With Coffee….
Setup and Steps..
Nova Launcher prime Grid Size 7*5
No dock , no status bar ..

First page
Add new Widget 5*2 for first one > select 01.zw

Add New Widget 5*1 for weather > select 02.zw

now Last one 5*2 and stretch for full space > select 03.zw
second page ..

Add new 5*2 widget and stretch to full layout. in between I have used simple RSS widget but you can use any.(battery color change if charging is lower then 20%).

1. Dezen Pro – For Text
2. Android Dev icons-1 – For Icons
3. Android Dev icons-2 – For Icons

Weather Icon
Climacons 3D white


Attached Images

APK Free

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